This website was created by Megan E. Calhoun as part of required coursework for Kent State University's Cultural Heritage Informatics course. It is dedicated to the story of the Union Station Arch. If you have information or material you would like to contribute to the site, please feel free to contact me. I also welcome thoughts and feedback.
Every attempt was made to guard against copyright violation and most images on the website are not under copyright restriction. There are a few exceptions to this. Some of the images of the Arch at Arch Park and being moved to the Arena District are the property of Brian Fridenmaker and Patrick Clark and are from Brian Fridenmaker's website. These pictures are used on this site with permission.
The image of a painting of Union Station from an aerial perspective is also under copyright and its use was generously permitted by the artist, Michael Dickinson.
For all image copyright information, please see the details shown on the image pages in the Media Galleries. If you are aware of any copyright violation by this website, please contact me.